If you are a Project Manager, Business Analyst or Service Manager, you don’t want to miss SureSkills’ FREE GDPR event
10 Ways Service Management Can Help Your Organisation Deal with GDPR
On Tuesday 19th September in the Clayton Hotel Burlington Road SMPM and GDPR experts will present and open for dynamic discussion, the implications for Service Managers, Business Analysts and Project Managers in relation to GDPR and the role that Best Practice can play in addressing GDPR issues.
This practical and informative event will help YOU incorporate GDPR’s principles into YOUR organisation’s plan. Helping you deliver a key differentiator to both your customers and your business - leading to continued success!
Our experts will help you gain valuable knowledge on what changes are being considered due to GDPR requirements and how they relate to your business. This will enable you to examine how Service Management and Project Management can be used to provide assurance and governance in addressing these requirements.
Businesses will not be able to ignore the requirements of GDPR, therefore this event aims to help you get it right from the start by enabling you to look at GDPR from a business value perspective in the most effective, efficient and economical way possible.
We will showcase SureSkills modern and best of breed ITSM models that will assist, guide and protect your customers on their GDPR journey.
Ruaidhri McSharry
Ruaidhri is Director of Service Management at SureSkills and President of SureSkills Canada. He is a specialist in Service Management and Project Management with over 20 years’ experience in both public and private sector organisations across the USA, Canada, UK and Ireland. Ruaidhri has been instrumental in developing SureSkills market leadership in Service Management and Project Management training & consulting.
Jim Friars
Jim has been Chief Executive of ECDL Ireland (trading as ICS Skills) since it was first established in 1997. In addition to his ICS Skills responsibilities, in January 2004 Jim became the Chief Executive of the Irish Computer Society. Jim also serves as Chairman of Innovation Value Institute Services, established by Maynooth University to promote the IT Capability Maturity Framework and has served as President of the Ireland Canada Business Association. He is also a Member of the MBA Association and Institute of Directors.
Carlos Da Silva
Carlos is an enthusiastic and motivated IT professional with over 20 years’ experience across a broad range of industries, including telecommunications, government, banking, pharmaceutical, construction and education. Currently he has a focus and is helping customers address GDPR and IT modernisation challenges including using IT Service Management in that process.
8.30am – 9:00am - Registration/Tea & Coffee
9:00am – 9:20am – Introduction & Opening remarks – Ruaidhri McSharry, Director Service Management, SureSkills
9:20am – 9:50am - Jim Friars, CEO, Irish computer Society /ICS Skills
9:50am – 10:15am – Carlos DaSilva, GDPR & Service Management Expert, SureSkills
10:15am – 10:30am – Q&A with panel of speakers
10:30am – 11:00am – Tea/Coffee & Networking
Date: Tuesday, 19th September, 2017
Venue: Clayton Hotel Burlington Road, 4 Leeson Street Upper, Dublin 4
Time: 08:30am - 11:00am