Chat Bots & AI
Streamline document review
Enhance accuracy of researching questions
Analyse large data sets to arrive at correct anwser faster
Increase efficiency & knowledge sharing
Reduce human error
Drive efficiency and get more from less
Deliver better outcomes for clients in shorter timeframes
Improve customer service
Not all bots are the same
As the world has gone digital at dizzying speed, customers are in control as never before. Today, a compelling user experience can be the difference between losing or holding customers. Part of this digital experience is customer self-service via chat, often powered by chat bots.
Repeat, repeat, repeat.
Augment your team and grow their skills
Unlike what the scare headlines would have you believe, AI isn’t about replacing jobs or functions – it’s about harnessing technology to work side by side with your skilled people - keeping them away for repetitive tasks. In the process, your organisation becomes more efficient, delivering better service to your customers.
Learn more about AI powered Chatbots
Transform Your Customer Service & Employee Experience
IBM Watson powered Chatbot

Discover how a chatbot can be an incredible tool to accelerate your digital transformation, delivering better services thereby increasing your customers experience. Our Chatbot services, based on an IBM Watson Artificial Intelligence, are used to communicate virtually with clients, employees and suppliers efficiently.

Need To Learn More?
Lean more about our solutions, built with IBM® Watson® and IBM Cloud Pak® technology, allowing you to quickly assemble robust, AI-powered chatbots from a catalog of existing templates and widgets.
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AI Powered Chat Bots
Need to handle enquiries with instant response?
Chatbots can help you provide instant response to inquiries and get to know your customers even more.
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Virtual Assistants & ChatBots FAQ


What are the different types of Chatbots?

Menu/button-based chatbots 

Linguistic Based (Rule-Based Chatbots) 

Keyword recognition-based chatbots 

Machine Learning chatbots 

The hybrid model 

Voice bots 

Appointment scheduling or Booking bots 

Customer support chatbots

What is an AI Powered Chatbot?

AI-powered chatbots respond smartly to user inquiries/support queries/FAQs by leveraging advanced technologies including the leading Natural Language Processing (NLP) engines, Machine Learning (ML) and advanced analytics. An AI-powered bot can break down user-provided text or voice input to identify words, sentences, and parts of speech, and formulate smart responses as well as follow-up actions. 

There are 3 types of bots in the market: 

1. Basic Bot : this is a key-word based bot which can answer simple FAQ based questions 

2, Transactional Bot : This bots are integrated with backend system and can perform real-time transactions for customer queries like buy a product, track status, open accounts etc. 

3, Advanced Bot : It is a highly advanced bot which would work on chat and voice bot, and it will support sentiment analysis, integrated to BI tools, advanced analytics and much more. 

SureSkills utilises Streebo’s chatbot which is powered by IBM Watson - the leading NLP platform in the market. It provides 99% accuracy, omni-channel, integrated with backend systems and it is a transactional bot which can perform real-time transactions for customer queries. It's available at Pay-Per-Usage model where customer pays based on consumption with no-upfront investment.

How do AI based Chatbots work?

Unlike scripted or rule-based chatbots, AI-powered bots are context-aware and come with self-learning capabilities from prior interactions. The predictive intelligence and analytics allow them to personalize interactions, based on a customer’s profile and preferences, gathered from past behavior. The bot gets smarter with more and more interactions performed over a period of time.

What is the difference between AI and Chatbots?

Chatbots have (Natural Language Understanding) NLU engines, that help them understand a broader range of languages and allow them to interact up to an extent. They can ask questions, interpret responses, and execute actions. It’s also possible for them to have augmented intelligence in order to function smoothly, but they aren’t AI because they require the input of programmers.

An artificial intelligence (AI) uses deep learning technology to receive data and interpret inputs. Programmers don't have to determine these interpretations, unlike the rule-based chatbots. Gartner defines AI as technology that: “appears to emulate human performance typically by learning, coming to its own conclusions [and by] appearing to understand complex content”.

AI has capable applications in many parts of the industry. There are multiple areas in businesses seen that would benefit most from AI. The technology has the potential to collate data from a variety of sources and use analytics to identify trends and behavior of users that could impact the business, allowing business owners to ensure the efficiency of their service.

Unlike scripted or rule-based chatbots, AI-powered bots are context-aware and come with self-learning capabilities from prior interactions. The predictive intelligence and analytics allow them to personalize interactions, based on a customer’s profile and preferences, gathered from past behavior. The bot gets smarter with more and more interactions performed over a period of time.

How does a Chatbot learn?

Artificial neural networks(ANN) that replicate biological brains, chatbots recognize customers’ questions and recognize their audio with ANN. Chatbots learn new intents of the customers easily with deep learning and Artificial Neural Networks and engage in a conversation. 

  1. Learn from previous conversations –
    Pattern Matching Chatbots with machine learning algorithms learn automatically and collect more data. AI chatbot understands customer behavior by matching the patterns. If a new website visitor asks similar questions to a chatbot, it responds instantly by analyzing the related pattern. For a human agent, it is difficult to remember every customer’s conversation, but chatbots with AI technology understand the user’s text instantly. 
  2. Sentiment Analysis –
    Learns emotive questions Sentiment analysis in natural language processing technology identifies the emotive questions and their tones. You don’t have to worry about indifferent responses from chatbots. With sentiment analysis, chatbots analyze customers’ opinions and intentions. 
  3. Learn and Reply Faster –
    Instant Messaging A Built-in AI chatbot is more efficient to understand every user's intent and resolves their problems as quickly as possible. Adding more NLP solutions to your AI chatbot helps your chatbot to predict further conversations with customers. 
  4. Training data –
    Text Classification AI-powered chatbots learn the data and human agents test, train, and tune the model. With the constant training and updates, AI-powered chatbots will learn every information properly. Online business owners can implement chatbots for lead generation, to make customers purchase products and provide a human-like conversation. 
  5. Knowledge Database –
    Chatbot Algorithm Chatbots store up every piece of information and analyze a large volume of data. The machine learns from the data and replies to the customers. A knowledge database allows chatbots to respond instantly with the stored information. If a customer asks a question that is not in the knowledge database, chatbots will connect them to the human agents. So, website visitors will not leave your website without getting their issues resolved.

What are the Advantages of Chatbots?

1. Handle Enquiries with instant response -
Chatbots can help you provide instant response to inquiries and get to know your customers even more. They let you figure out what their questions and needs are, plus the products or services they're interested in and help you make strategic decisions to improve the experience. 

2. Increased customer outreach and revenue -
As the chatbot can be deployed across multiple channels, it can help to increase customer outreach by engaging more and more customers, and hence this will eventually result in getting more revenue with increased ROI. 

3. Cross-sell and Upsell - 
The chatbot can be the perfect partner to promote new products & services and send proactive notifications. They can also offer immediate assistance to your potential customers and help speed up the purchase decision process. 

4. Round the clock Customer Support -
One of the greatest advantages is that Chatbots are available 24/7 to help customers. Plus, they respond quickly to every question they receive. This guarantees your customers will always be able to solve their problems, no matter what time of day. 

5. Reduce the costs and Improve Productivity -
Imagine your agents spending more time answering just the queries that require a human being. Implementing a Chatbot with conversational AI is a great way to automate customer service and improve the service provided by agents, leading to cost optimization in the medium term and improving productivity by allowing agents to focus on critical issues. 

6. Improve customer satisfaction -
It's important to offer the appropriate and empathic answer to each query by the customer. For example, an AI chatbot can understand informal language and regionalisms, improve conversations with plug-ins, and recognize the intent behind each interaction.

What are the disadvantages of Chatbots?

It’s important to note that an effective AI-powered chatbot can be labor-intensive to build, train, and deploy—especially if you’re building your own solution. Accuracy levels can be a challenge. 

1. Chatbots can't answer all the queries and hence it can be seen as a lacking personal touch. 

2. Certain chatbots are poor in processing and take time to filter results. This annoys the users. 

3. Different chatbots require different installation procedures and hence increase initial installation cost, unlike human beings. 

That’s why choosing the right partner to build and deploy your AI-powered chatbot is critical to reaping the potential benefits, which are substantial. An AI-powered bot is your best bet for stimulating conversations that feel human.

What is conversational AI?

Conversational AI combines natural language processing (NLP) with traditional software like chatbots, voice assistants, or an interactive voice recognition system to help customers through either a spoken or typed interface.

When using a Chatbot is not Appropriate?

Chatbots should not be used to deal with customer grievances. Every individual is unique; hence each problem is different and automation or over automation could lose you some valuable clients or potential customers.


  • Define your chatbot's specific use cases.
  • Make sure your intents are distinct.
  • Make sure each intent contains many utterances
  • Create a diverse team to handle the bot training process
  • Make sure your entities are purposeful
  • Don't forget to add personality
  • Don't rely only on text
  • Don't stop training!